Win cars or money by describing a favorite product in 25 words or less
It’s easy! Grab a favorite product that you’ve bought and write a sentence describing why you like the product. Use just 25 words or less. That’s about 140 characters, including spaces— as long as the first Tweets were permitted to be.
Don’t use fancy writing or flowery language. Just a sincere, original expression of your opinion. A simple statement that pops into your mind as you read this. It will only take a few minutes but those minutes could bring valuable prizes.
Write your entry on a separate sheet of plain paper. Print your name and address and include the name and address of the dealer who sold you the product.
Send as many entries as you wish, provided each one is accompanied by part of the product’s packaging. And, if you didn’t buy the product, you can even submit the entry with a facsimile of that particular piece of packaging.
All of the above is taken from Procter & Gamble “25 words or less” advertisements for Oxydol laundry soap and Ivory bar soap
The Ivory Soap advertisement offers a “wealth of prizes.” 60 Studebaker sedans, each with a Studebaker-Philco Custom-Built Radio worth $54.95, and 1000 gallons of Texaco Fire-Chief Gasoline – enough to last the average driver about 2 years.
The 1938 Studebaker 6 cruising sedan was chosen “for its clean-cut styling, its impressive roominess, its special safety features and its ‘levelized Miracle Ride’.”
These thrilling prizes were offered for one reason only—to “encourage you to find out how many ways Ivory Soap can help you.”
Then the advertisement gives hints on how to win the “25 words or less” contest. “Probably you use Ivory for your bath, complexion, shampoo…for baby’s bath…for silks and woolens…for dishwashing and smooth hands. So just tell us about it…as simple as this: I like Ivory Soap because there is nothing sweeter than to pick up a baby whose clothes and skin, have just been washed with Ivory Soap.”
(That’s 22 words after the “I like Ivory Soap” introduction.)
Then the reader/consumer is told that the sentence is not merely literary it is a good sentence because it is sincere, original and apt. Meaning? “Sincere means that a sentence should suggest the personal experience of the writer. Original means it has character of its own without being eccentric. And the sentence is apt because it is appropriate to Ivory Soap in one of its many uses.”
That explains everything. Now start to compose your sentence…in 25 words or less!
The Oxydol advertisement also promotes a 25 words or less contest but this time it is for $1,000 Free, every 24 hours. Ten $100 prizes every day, except Saturdays and Sundays for six weeks.
Like Ivory Soap, the purpose of the contest: “To induce more women to try this amazing, new, ‘No-Scrub, No-Boil’ laundry soap—that really SAFE.”
Oddly, this contest is advertised as an utterly new and different kind of contest! Really? Well, the sentence this time reads “I consider OXYDOL the perfect laundry soap because…” in 25 words or less. Contrast that with the simple Ivory Soap sentence “I like Ivory Soap because…”
The Oxydol hints are also different. They read:
For example, if you like the way OXYDOL soaks whiter and saves work, you might say: I consider OXYDOL the perfect laundry soap because…it gets my clothes so white without scrubbing and I never have those nagging Monday night backaches any more
Or, if you like Oxydol’s speed and safety, you might say: I consider OXYDOL the perfect laundry soap because…it works so much faster, yet never hurts my hands—and colored things come out fresh and bright as a new dollar.
The first suggested contest entry is only 19 words, the second is 22 words. Just an aside; how can a paper dollar be bright?
After all that are you game to try the contest?
Spend only five minutes of your time describing
how you like a certain product — in 25 words or less.
See. It’s easy!
It is calculated that the prize pot for each product wasn’t much above $30,000. The return to Procter and Gamble? Significant sales of soap!