The most beautiful hair in the world
is kept at its loveliest…
with Lustre-Crème Shampoo

Colgate-Palmolive Company launched Lustre-Crème Shampoo in 1944 and within a few years the product was endorsed by the biggest movie stars in Hollywood…

Bette Davis (1951), Deb­o­rah Kerr (1964), Mar­i­lyn Munroe (1953), Jane Rus­sell (1954), Rita Hay­worth (1954), Jane Pow­ell (1954), Vir­ginia Mayo (1954), Mau­reen O’Hara (1952), Doris Day (1956), Joan Craw­ford (1955), Natal­ie Wood (1958), Eliz­a­beth Tay­lor (1953), Bar­bara Stan­wyck (1953), Ani­ta Ekberg (1958), Bet­ty Grable (1953), Ann Blyth (1957), San­dra Dee (1959), Janet Leigh (1963), Jeanne Crain (1953), Ruth Roman (1951), Ava Gar­ner (1951), Bet­ty Hut­ton (1948), Tina Louise (1959), Vera Miles (1960), Anne Bax­ter (1953), Dana Wyn­ter (1956), Rhon­da Flem­ing (1955), Joan Collins (1957), Grace Kel­ly (1956), Arlene Dahl (1953), Mitzy Gaynor (1956), June Allyson (1954), Cyd Charisse (1958), Ester Williams (1953), Ann Mil­lar (1952), Shirley Jones (1962), Jane Wyman (1952)

We know Lus­tre-Creme was still on the mar­ket in the mid to late 1960’s because Deb­bie Reynolds endorsed Lus­tre-Crème Sham­poo in 1964 when she starred in the MGM movie The Unsink­able Mol­ly Brown. The movie stu­dios and adver­tis­ers often used co-op adver­tis­ing to pro­mote their products.

If we accept the adver­tis­ing claim, “No oth­er cream sham­poo in all the world is as pop­u­lar as Lus­tre-Crème” then we must won­der just what hap­pened to Lus­tre-Crème Sham­poo?  When did it cease to be the most pop­u­lar? The Nation­al Muse­um of Amer­i­can His­to­ry in Wash­ing­ton, D.C. only notes the launch date.

 Prell shampoo, a competitive product to Lustre-Crème, was introduced by Proctor & Gamble in 1947

 Like Col­gate Palmolive’s Lus­tre-Creme Sham­poo, then on the mar­ket for three years, Prell Sham­poo was pack­aged in a tube. Years lat­er Prell was pack­aged in a bot­tle where the bril­liance of the green colour shone through and a tele­vi­sion com­mer­cial fea­tured a pearl slow­ly drop­ping into the Prell bot­tle demon­strat­ing the thick, rich, lux­u­ri­ous shampoo.

As you might expect there’s a sim­i­lar­i­ty in the two adver­tise­ments.
They look alike. The half-page Lus­tre-Crème pho­to­graph is on the top and Prell puts an equal­ly large pho­to­graph on the bot­tom. The tubes of sham­poo are shown.

“Try Prell and you’ll be thrilled at the dif­fer­ence just one sham­poo makes.”
“You will notice a glo­ri­ous dif­fer­ence in your hair after a Lus­tre-Crème shampoo.”

Prell’s head­line promis­es that hair will be radi­ant­ly alive and Lus­tre-Crème assures the read­er that hair will be kept at its loveliest.

Prell will leave hair so caress­ably soft and smooth, too….so will­ing to fall into nat­ur­al, glam­orous waves while Lus­tre-Crème will restore the nat­ur­al sheen to hair and will renew highlights.

“For hair that behaves like the angels and shines like the stars…ask for Lus­tre-Crème Sham­poo,”  while “Prell’s Clean­ing Action is tru­ly a miracle!”

Prell’s tests “prove that ounce for ounce it leaves hair more radi­ant than any oth­er lead­ing sham­poo!
Lus­tre-Crème claims that “No oth­er cream sham­poo in all the world is as popular.”

 Prell also dis­ap­peared from store shelves but, unlike Lus­tre-Crème, the prod­uct got new life after Proc­ter & Gam­ble sold it in 1999 to Pres­tige Brands Inter­na­tion­al, who sold it to Ulti­mark Prod­ucts in 2009, who sold  it in 2016 to Neo­teric Cos­met­ics. Prell Sham­poo is see­ing a resur­gence in pop­u­lar­i­ty as peo­ple are learn­ing that that an old favorite sham­poo is still around. It is avail­able at Wal­mart and at CVS, Dol­lar Gen­er­al, RiteAide, Kmart, and Kroger.

Procter & Gamble and Colgate-Palmolive each began in the 1800s as small family-run soap and candle businesses. And both have managed not only to survive but to transform themselves into 21st century multinationals marketing personal-care products and numerous household-name brands.

Check this oth­er brand bat­tle between Col­gate-Pal­mo­live and Procter& Gam­ble
Pal­mo­live or Ivory? 

Col­gate-Pal­mo­live was found­ed by William Col­gate in Man­hat­tan in 1806. Today it is the world leader in tooth­paste and oth­er oral-care prod­ucts and has also devel­oped strong house­hold care, fab­ric care and pet-nutri­tion prod­uct lines. It oper­ates in 200 countries.

Per­son­al care prod­ucts include show­er gels, show­er creams, toi­let soaps, liq­uid hand­wash­es, shav­ing brush­es & creams sold most­ly under the Pal­mo­live brand.

Its brands also include Col­gate, Speed Stick, Irish Spring, Mur­phy Oil soap, Ajax, Fleecy, Soft­soap and Hill’s pet Nutrition.

Proc­ter & Gam­ble began in Cincin­nati, Ohio, in 1837. Today it is a per­son­al-care behe­moth with more than 300 prod­ucts, 13 of which gen­er­ate $1 bil­lion per year in sales, and oper­a­tions in 80 countries.

The com­pa­ny has a num­ber of icon­ic, well-known brand names from laun­dry deter­gents and cleansers, to groom­ing and beau­ty products.

Some of the most pop­u­lar and well-rec­og­nized names include: Tide, Bounce, and Downy; Pam­pers; Boun­ty and Charmin; Always; Gillette; Head & Shoul­ders; Dawn and Febreeze; Crest and Oral‑B; Vicks; Olay.