Savour the syntax, the sentences, the syllables in this advertisement for Heinz Tomato Juice

We can assume that the copywriter had fun writing this Heinz Tomato Juice advertisement that appeared in The American Home magazine, June 1939. Enjoy the rhetoric, the imagery, the symbolism and the incongruities.

It begins with this headline:

Peak of all Night Caps!

The sub­head reads:

Before a Pleasant Journey Through Slumberland, Quaff Heinz Tomato Juice—Great Evening Ender, Great Day Starter

The body­copy:
Just a glass at nightfall—a tall, cool tum­bler­ful of Heinz Toma­to Juice—is a sooth­ing send-off to slum­ber, a per­fect toast to tomor­row! For in this spark­ing drink we snare the vita­mens and all the scin­til­lat­ing fresh­ness of Heinz “aris­to­crat” toma­toes. These sun­ny scions of a long line of pedi­greed seedlings are har­vest­ed at their plump, fla­vor­ful prime—then hus­tled to Heinz kitchens to be pressed. Try Heinz Toma­to Juice for bast­ing pot roasts, and mix a lit­tle in meat loaves. Say “Good Morn­ing” with this spright­ly bev­er­age. At meal­time or in between, you’ll find it’s as wel­come as an oasis in the Sahara!

Tomato juice was first served in 1917
as a tomato juice cocktail

It is the base for the Bloody Mary cock­tail but in Cana­da the toma­to juice is also blend­ed with clam juice and the result is a Bloody Cae­sar which was cre­at­ed, appar­ent­ly in 1969, by a Cal­gary bar­tender who want­ed to com­mem­o­rate the inau­gu­ra­tion of an Ital­ian restaurant.

Wal­ter Chell took his inspi­ra­tion from the Bloody Mary but since clam sauce was on the menu, he spent a few weeks crush­ing some of these mol­luscs, until he man­aged to achieve the per­fect bal­ance with the toma­to juice.

Canada’s Cae­sar recipe calls for the rim of a tall glass to be coat­ed with cel­ery salt before being filled with the Clam­a­to Juice. It is gar­nished with a lime or lemon wedge and a cucum­ber stalk of cel­ery. The drink is often spiked with vodka.

More Bloody Cae­sars are sold in Cana­da than any oth­er cock­tail. It’s usu­al­ly ordered sim­ply as a “Cae­sar.” It is often titled Canada’s Nation­al Cocktail.

In Cana­da and Mex­i­co, toma­to juice is com­mon­ly mixed with beer. In Cana­da the con­coc­tion is known as Cal­gary Red-Eye, and in Mex­i­co it is Cerveza preparada.

In 2013 H.J. Heinz Co. announced the closing of closed three plants in North America, including Florence, South Carolina (200 employees); Pocatello, Idaho (410 employees); and, Leamington, Ontario in Canada (740 employees).

The Leam­ing­ton plant was more than 100 years old and was the area’s largest employ­er. The Heinz oper­a­tion was one of the biggest tax­pay­ers and water users in the munic­i­pal­i­ty.  Close to 40 per cent of all field toma­toes grown in Ontario were shipped to Leamington.

In a state­ment, Heinz said it came to its deci­sion “after an exten­sive review of our company’s North Amer­i­can sup­ply chain foot­print, capa­bil­i­ties, and capac­i­ty utilization.”

“We reached this deci­sion after thor­ough­ly explor­ing exten­sive alter­na­tives and options.  Heinz ful­ly appre­ci­ates and regrets the impact our deci­sion will have on employ­ees and the com­mu­ni­ties in which these fac­to­ries are locat­ed,” Michael Mullen, senior vice pres­i­dent of cor­po­rate and gov­ern­ment affairs, said in a news release. “We appre­ci­ate the many con­tri­bu­tions these employ­ees have made to Heinz and we are com­mit­ted to treat­ing all employ­ees with the utmost respect and dignity.”

In August 2013, H.J. Heinz Co. had elim­i­nat­ed 600 office jobs across the U.S. and in Cana­da, includ­ing 350 in Pitts­burgh, near­ly a third of its oper­a­tion there.

Heinz sold its pro­cess­ing plant in Leam­ing­ton, Ont., in 2014 and moved its ketchup oper­a­tions to the U.S. but the plant didn’t close; a Cana­di­an toma­to juice law helped save Heinz’s plant in Leam­ing­ton, Ont. from real­ly closing.

In Decem­ber 2015, French’s ketchup — owned by U.S. food com­pa­ny McCormick — launched in Cana­da, pledg­ing to make ketchup with Leam­ing­ton toma­toes. The move led to pro­longed free pub­lic­i­ty for the brand — the kind that mon­ey can’t buy.

Accord­ing to mar­ket research com­pa­ny Euromon­i­tor, the brand quick­ly gained ground, and snagged 5.1 per cent of Cana­di­an retail ketchup sales by 2018. It ranks as Heinz’s biggest competitor.

Heinz ketchup —  owned by U.S. food com­pa­ny Kraft Heinz — still held 77.5 per cent of the mar­ket share in 2018. But that’s a 6.2 per cent drop from 2015.

Read HERE how a Cana­di­an toma­to juice law helped save Heinz’s plant in Leam­ing­ton, Ont. from closing