Camel’s, called “America’s Shrewdest Cigarette Buy,” promised more puffs per cigarette
The brand was described as“long-burning” and, because Camels burned slower, they gave extra smoking, hence “more pleasure per puff—more puffs per pack.” By burning 25% slower than the average of the 15 other of the largest-selling brands tested – slower than any of them – “Camels give a smoking plus equal to 5 extra smokes per pack.”
“Slow-burning means to me a milder, cooler smoke,” said the endorser. “Any way I figure, Camels are penny for penny my best cigarette buy.”
If “more pleasure per puff —more puffs per pack” wasn’t enough to sell Camels to smokers they were told that “More weight of tobacco per cigarette … extra smoking per cigarette … they hold their ash longer.”
Customer endorsements were a common technique employed to make claims about products. This endorsement offers some claims R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company made about Camels in Country Gentleman, November 1939.

Would you believe that “More doctors smoke Camels than any other cigarette!”

The R.J. Reynolds Tobacco company website says this about Camel cigarettes
For more than 100 years, Camel’s relentless pursuit of tobacco pleasure has produced some of the industry’s most groundbreaking and innovative tobacco products while earning the Camel brand iconic recognition. Introduced in 1913, Camel’s unique blend of flue-cured, burley and exotic Turkish tobaccos made it the nation’s number 1‑selling brand in just four years.
Today, Camel’s commitment to quality tobacco experiences includes a new generation of tobacco products — innovations such as Camel Crush and Menthol with Cool Burst™ technology. This unyielding passion for tobacco is yet another reason why Camel remains R.J. Reynolds’ largest and fastest-growing full-price brand.
Rooted in authenticity yet ushering in the future, Camel’s colorful, irreverent personality captures the very spirit of adult tobacco consumers — inspiring them to Break Free from convention and enjoy tobacco on their own terms.

Ubiquitous ashtrays once sat on every desk and every coffee table! Automobiles, even aircraft had ashtrays. Today, Inflight smoking is prohibited by almost all airlines.