Camel’s, called “America’s Shrewdest Cigarette Buy,” promised more puffs per cigarette

The brand was described as“long-burning” and, because Camels burned slow­er, they gave extra smok­ing, hence “more plea­sure per puff—more puffs per pack.” By burn­ing 25% slow­er than the aver­age of the 15 oth­er of the largest-sell­ing brands test­ed – slow­er than any of them – “Camels give a smok­ing plus equal to 5 extra smokes per pack.”

“Slow-burn­ing means to me a milder, cool­er smoke,” said the endors­er. “Any way I fig­ure, Camels are pen­ny for pen­ny my best cig­a­rette buy.”

 If “more plea­sure per puff —more puffs per pack” wasn’t enough to sell Camels to smok­ers they were told that “More weight of tobac­co  per cig­a­rette … extra smok­ing per cig­a­rette … they hold their ash longer.”

Cus­tomer endorse­ments were a com­mon tech­nique employed to make claims about prod­ucts.  This endorse­ment offers some claims R. J. Reynolds Tobac­co Com­pa­ny made about Camels in Coun­try Gen­tle­man, Novem­ber 1939.

Would you believe that “More doctors smoke Camels than any other cigarette!”

Read about it here

more puffs from Camels

The R.J. Reynolds Tobacco company website says this about Camel cigarettes

For more than 100 years, Camel’s relent­less pur­suit of tobac­co plea­sure has pro­duced some of the industry’s most ground­break­ing and inno­v­a­tive tobac­co prod­ucts while earn­ing the Camel brand icon­ic recog­ni­tion. Intro­duced in 1913, Camel’s unique blend of flue-cured, bur­ley and exot­ic Turk­ish tobac­cos made it the nation’s num­ber 1‑selling brand in just four years.

Today, Camel’s com­mit­ment to qual­i­ty tobac­co expe­ri­ences includes a new gen­er­a­tion of tobac­co prod­ucts — inno­va­tions such as Camel Crush and Men­thol with Cool Burst™ tech­nol­o­gy. This unyield­ing pas­sion for tobac­co is yet anoth­er rea­son why Camel remains R.J. Reynolds’ largest and fastest-grow­ing full-price brand.

Root­ed in authen­tic­i­ty yet ush­er­ing in the future, Camel’s col­or­ful, irrev­er­ent per­son­al­i­ty cap­tures the very spir­it of adult tobac­co con­sumers — inspir­ing them to Break Free from con­ven­tion and enjoy tobac­co on their own terms.

Ubiq­ui­tous ash­trays once sat on every desk and every cof­fee table! Auto­mo­biles, even air­craft had ash­trays. Today, Inflight smok­ing is pro­hib­it­ed by almost all airlines.