Ninety plus years ago Pond’s Extract Company took endorsements to a new level—probably never surpassed!

“Women of roy­al blood, of noble birth, of high posi­tion” endorsed Ponds Cold Cream and Pond’s Van­ish­ing Cream.

We’ll nev­er know the sto­ry behind this 1920’s adver­tis­ing cam­paign which fea­tured reign­ing queens, princess­es, noble­women, and soci­ety leaders.

Who per­suad­ed those women to lend their names and their images to the pro­mo­tion of a face-cleans­ing prod­uct? Were they paid? In cash or in kind? How much? Dif­fer­ent amounts con­sis­tent with their stand­ing in the world? Did they have busi­ness agents?

Pond's 1926 advertisement in McCall's publishing endorsements by queens, noblewomen, and society leaders

This full page adver­tise­ment appeared in McCall’s Mag­a­zine, Novem­ber 1926.

   What did they have to say about Pond’s Cold Cream and Pond’s  Vanishing  Cream?

Her Majesty, the Queen of Roma­nia, grand­daugh­ter of Queen Vic­to­ria, stateswoman, author, beau­ti­ful and state­ly says: “Beau­ty can be thor­ough­ly guard­ed by the dai­ly use of Pond’s Two Creams.”

Her Majesty, the Queen of Spain had actu­al­ly noth­ing to say about the prod­uct but she “sig­ni­fied her plea­sure in Pond’s Two Creams.” Appar­ent­ly she was “the embod­i­ment of queen­ly majesty and beauty—tall, fair, dis­tin­guished in dress and bearing.”

The Duchess De Riche­lieu of a promi­nent Bal­ti­more fam­i­ly and wife of one of the noblest old hous­es in France says: “Pond’s Creams keep the skin exquis­ite­ly soft and lovely.”

And what does Mrs. Nicholas Long­worth have to say about Ponds Two Creams? She was the wife of the speak­er of the Unit­ed States House of Rep­re­sen­ta­tives and daugh­ter of the late Pres­i­dent Roo­sevelt. She declared: “A clear skin may be sure­ly had by the use of Pond’s.”

Look now to the younger set. Miss Eli­nor Pat­ter­son, debu­tante daugh­ter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph  Medill Pat­ter­son of Chica­go, who cre­at­ed a furore [sic] as “The Nun” in “The Mir­a­cle,” says: “Ponds Two Creams are so fra­grant and pleas­ant of tex­ture, so sure in fulfillment.”

Miss Mar­jorie Olrichs, New York debu­tante, con­nect­ed with sev­er­al of New York’s old­est fam­i­lies, and a chic and charm­ing per­son, says: “Pond’s is the method I follow.”

Her Majesty, Marie, Queen of Romania 
was featured in this advertisement

Queen Marie, also known as Marie of Edin­burgh, a grand­daugh­ter of Queen Vic­to­ria, was the last Queen of Roma­nia as the wife of King Fer­di­nand I.

Even before becom­ing Queen, Marie had suc­ceed­ed in estab­lish­ing her pub­lic image as that of “one of the best-look­ing and rich­est princess­es in Europe.”

She was known pri­mar­i­ly for her tal­ent in horse-rid­ing, writ­ing, paint­ing, sculpt­ing and danc­ing, as well as for her beauty.

The information below the painting reads:

No roy­al guest who has ever vis­it­ed Amer­i­ca has been so wide­ly acclaimed as Queen Marie.

Youth is hers—and great vital­i­ty, in spite of years crowd­ed with stren­u­ous activ­i­ty. She has beau­ti­ful skin—unlined, firm fresh, with love­ly nat­ur­al colour! A skin which speaks for itself of the wise care Her Majesty has always giv­en it. 

Over two year ago, Her Majesty, writ­ing from Bucharest, was pleased to per­mit Pond’s Extract Com­pa­ny to quote her words express­ing her faith in the effi­ca­cy of Pond’s Two Creams.

A sub­se­quent let­ter, writ­ten in Feb­ru­ary, 1925, says: “Her Majesty wish­es me to repeat, as to Pond’s Cream, it gives her dai­ly greater satisfaction.”

Pond's 1927 advertisement in McCall's featuring Marie, Queen of Romania

This full page adver­tise­ment appeared in
McCall’s Mag­a­zine, Jan­u­ary, 1927

Here is a second portrait of Queen Marie painted in 1936 by Philip Alexius de László

The por­trait painter of Queen Marie in the adver­tise­ment above was Philip Alex­ius de Lás­zló,  an Anglo-Hun­gar­i­an painter known par­tic­u­lar­ly for his por­traits of roy­al and aris­to­crat­ic per­son­ages (the list is too long to pub­lish here).

In 1900, Lás­zló mar­ried Lucy Madeleine Guin­ness of Stil­lor­gan, Coun­ty Dublin, a mem­ber of the bank­ing branch of the Guin­ness fam­i­ly and a sis­ter of Hen­ry Guinness.

Oh, the toll the Social Calendar takes on beauty. Ponds two creams to the rescue.

 You won’t believe this.

The Social Cal­en­dar scrib­bled full! The shin­ing hours of every day fit­ted togeth­er like gay mosaics in a bril­liant pat­tern of plea­sure. Dash­ing from shops to lun­cheon; on to tea; a recep­tion; then din­ner and the opera with­out an instant’s rest. After the opera, sup­per and a dance.

It takes its toll of beauty—this life with­out rest from morn­ing to mid­night! Smooth round cheeks begin to droop, lit­tle lines of weari­ness appear, unless exact­ly the right care is giv­en the skin—preventing effi­ca­cious, pro­tec­tion swift and sure.

Cer­tain of the peo­ple of the Social World have learned it, however—how to keep daz­zling­ly fresh and unwea­ried despite this mer­ry round.

Where you see them you mar­vel at their clear smooth cheeks, snow-white shoul­ders, firm round throats. They give their com­plex­ions dai­ly care with just Two fra­grant Creams.

Pond's 1926 advertisement  tells readers how two creams save the day when the social calendar gets crowded

This full page adver­tise­ment appeared in
McCall’s Mag­a­zine, Decem­ber, 1926

Two new soci­ety lead­ers are fea­tured in this adver­tise­ment: Mrs. Regi­nald Van­der­bilt “whose dark beau­ty and creamy skin have an exquis­ite set­ting in this white taffe­ta Lan­vin robe de style, is as promi­nent in exclu­sive cir­cles abroad as at home. She says: “Pond’s Two Creams are wonderful.”

Mrs William E. Borah wife of the Unit­ed States Sen­a­tor from Ida­ho, and a leader in Wash­ing­ton soci­ety, “is an enthu­si­as­tic user of Pond’s. She may be seen receiv­ing friends in her charm­ing Wash­ing­ton apartment.”

And you won’t believe this either

This is how they do it. Before dress­ing for the evening and again before retir­ing, they pat over face, shoul­ders, throat and hands, Pond’s Cold Cream. They let it stay on until its fine oils sink down into the skins deep cell and bring to the sur­face all dust and pow­der. With a soft cloth they wipe off cream and pore-deep dirt—and repeat, fin­ish­ing with a dash of cold water or a brisk rub with ice. If their skin is dry, at night they apply more Pond’s Cold Cream and leave until morn­ing. It brings them fresh and unlined to a new day’s gay activities.

After every cleans­ing with Pond’s Cold Cream, except the bed­time one, they smooth on a lit­tle Pond’s Van­ish­ing Cream. This gives their shoul­ders, throats and cheeks a love­ly even fin­ish, a soft glow­ing tone. And how white it keeps their hands. Pow­der and rouge blend so beau­ti­ful­ly and last so long over this Cream as a foun­da­tion, that you rarely see these ele­gant women using their van­i­ty cas­es in pub­lic. Pond’s Van­ish­ing Cream also pro­tects their skins per­fect­ly from city soot and dust, win­ter winds and the fatigue and strain of long, late hours.

That was a lit­er­ary adven­ture. Thanks to Pond’s Cold Cream and Pond’s Van­ish­ing Cream for giv­ing us this glance into the 192627 world of high society.

There’s a coupon at the bot­tom of each adver­tise­ment which could get the read­er free sam­ple tubes of both prod­ucts to per­mit test­ing of the prod­ucts by “com­mon people.”