Get a softer, smoother, younger-looking complexion in 14 days with Palmolive soap — or get the same result in seven short days with Ivory soap

Colgate Palmolive and Procter & Gamble had competed for the bar-soap market for more than half a century at the time these advertisements were published

The choice, Palmolive or Ivory,
was not an easy choice

The two adver­tise­ments in Woman’s Home Com­pan­ion, July 1952, could have been – but weren’t – cre­at­ed, designed and writ­ten by the same art direc­tors and copy­writ­ers. The claims are the same and there is a sim­i­lar­i­ty in the design.

“More doc­tors advise Ivory than any oth­er soap” but “thir­ty-six lead­ing skin spe­cial­ists, in 1285 tests with women of all ages—with all types of skin—found more women can have love­li­er com­plex­ions” when they use Pal­mo­live soap.

And Ivory responds that “more doc­tors, includ­ing skin doc­tors, advise Ivory for your skin and baby’s skin than all oth­er brands of soap put togeth­er!” Who to believe?

“Pal­mo­live brings out beau­ty while it cleans you skin” but women could achieve the Ivory Look of lead­ing beau­ties and lit­tle baby beauties.

This advertisement for Cashmere Soap, in the same issue of Woman’s Home Companion, continues the claim that soap works wonders with women’s skin.

Palmolive cleans your skin; Ivory is safe enough for a baby’s skin;  Cashmere claims to be the only soap that adds an exciting bouquet to skin.

Here is what the Cash­mere Bouquest soap says, ital­ics, under­lin­ing, and excla­ma­tion marks included.

“Only one soap gives your skin this Excit­ing Bouquet

And Cash­mere Bou­quet is proved extra mild…leaves your skin soft­er, fresh­er, younger looking!

Now Cash­mere Bou­quet Soap—with the lin­ger­ing, irre­sistible “fra­grance men love”—is proved by test to be extra mild too!  Yes, so amaz­ing­ly mild that it gen­tle lath­er is ide­al for all types of skin—dry, oily, or nor­mal! And dai­ly cleans­ing with Cash­mere Bou­quet helps bring out the flower-fresh soft­ness, the del­i­cate smooth­ness, the excit­ing love­li­ness you long for! Use Cash­mere Bou­quet Soap regularly…for the finest com­plex­ion care…for a fra­grant invi­ta­tion to romance!

Now at low­est price!
Cash­mere Bou­quet Soap
—Adorns your skin with the fra­grance men love!”

But wait! There’s more!

There are hun­dreds of bar soap brands around the world includ­ing: Dove. Olay. Dial. Irish Spring. Pal­mo­live. Caress. Aveeno. Zest. Ivory. Neu­tro­ge­na. Pears. Coast. Camay.  And more!

There are dec­o­ra­tive soaps, deep cleans­ing soaps, soaps for sen­si­tive skin, med­icat­ed bar soaps and bar soaps with mois­tur­iz­ers, soaps that are expen­sive, exclu­sive, afford­able, and soap that is antibac­te­r­i­al, organ­ic, or “Der­ma­tol­o­gist Recommended.”

Scent and mois­tur­iz­ing capa­bil­i­ties are typ­i­cal­ly her­ald­ed as the most influ­en­tial to poten­tial cus­tomers close­ly fol­lowed by best lath­er, best tex­ture and best price.

Bar soap for chil­dren has been on the mar­ket for decades; today the indus­try is also cre­at­ing prod­ucts geared to the aging process.

But Bar soap has been get­ting pushed to the side on drug­store shelves for years.
Today there are liq­uid soaps, foam­ing soaps, body wash­es and show­er gels and when you ven­ture into spe­cial­ty stores, the selec­tion gets pos­i­tive­ly arcane with “show­er jel­lies” and “show­er smooth­ies” and “sum­mer fruits” and “cucum­ber melon.”

What can you write about bars of soap?

Pal­mo­live, the dis­tinc­tive green soap, was intro­duced in 1898 by the B.J John­son Com­pa­ny, found­ed in 1864 in Mil­wau­kee, Wis­con­sin.  In 1928 The Pal­mo­live Soap Com­pa­ny merged with the Col­gate Com­pa­ny, found­ed in 1806, to become Colgate-Palmolive.

In 1840 the J.B Williams Com­pa­ny of Glas­ton­bury, Con­necti­cut first intro­duced a soap named Ivorine. In 1874 Williams sold the prod­uct to Proc­ter & Gam­ble and the name was changed to “Ivory”. It has been said that the adver­tis­ing bud­get for Ivory in 1882 was $11,000: the slo­gan “It Floats” was adopt­ed in 1891 to be fol­lowed in 1895 with the expla­na­tion that Ivory floats because it is 9944/100%  pure.