Extraordinary artists
created extraordinary images
in agencies’ art departments

Art direc­tors in Adver­tis­ing Agen­cies head­ed  mul­ti-tal­ent­ed teams capa­ble of repro­duc­ing extra­or­di­nary images of prod­ucts sold by the agency’s clients.  One might be a let­ter­ing artist who could hand-let­ter tech­ni­cal­ly per­fect head­lines and sub-heads. Anoth­er might con­cen­trate on fash­ion draw­ings. A third might be a gen­er­al artist who repro­duced images of dia­mond rings for the jew­ellery client, com­plex detailed illus­tra­tions of machin­ery, or images of steam­ing mouth­wa­ter­ing soup for Campbells.

Today the art depart­ment is the Cre­ative Depart­ment with Cre­ative Direc­tors, Web Devel­op­ers, Sketch/Storyboard Artists, Copy­writ­ers and Designers.

And the artists today in Cre­ative Depart­ments? They are described as “pro­duc­tion artists who have the thank­less task of prepar­ing cam­paigns for print. This job includes set­ting up the files for the print­ing press, cre­at­ing ver­sions of one ad for mul­ti­ple pub­li­ca­tions and media, and also cre­at­ing updates to exist­ing cam­paigns.” Not much call for artis­tic tal­ent in that job!

Although the first pho­to­graph­ic process — heli­og­ra­phy — was invent­ed around 1824 by Nicéphore Niépce, pho­to­graph­ic images weren’t suit­able for the print world for anoth­er 120 or so years.

Extraordinary drawing of asparagus by an extraordinary artist

Probably the work of a staff artist, all the images above are hand drawn — the plate of asparagus, the toast, the gravy bowl, the logo and slogan.  Admire the detail in the shine of the fork. Note also that the artist signed his/her work

The full page advertisement below appeared in McCall’s Magazine, November 1926

The red sec­tion in the bot­tom left of the Aspara­gus adver­tise­ment shows that the prod­uct is packed in 3 sizes of cans. TIPS in small square and round cans and LONG SPEARS in tall square cans.

You could send  for a FREE recipe book.

The adver­tis­er is the Cal­i­for­nia Can­ners League which was formed in 1905. In 2017 they changed their name to Cal­i­for­nia League of Food Pro­duc­ers (CLFP). 

Here’s a link to an out­stand­ing web­site showing”Old & Clas­sic Ads — 100 Year Evo­lu­tion of Print Ads.”

On that site you will see how print adver­tise­ments pro­gressed from the 1911 Coca-Cola adver­tise­ment with unpre­ten­tious draw­ings, through the famous “Uncle Sam wants YOU” of 1918, to hand-drawn watch­es, auto­mo­biles, cig­a­rettes, radios. The use of pho­tographs as the image of choice is evi­dent from 1950 to the present day.

Old & Classic Ads — 100 Year Evolution of Print Ads

Design­Crowd is an online mar­ket­place pro­vid­ing logo, web­site, print and graph­ic design ser­vices by pro­vid­ing access to free­lance graph­ic design­ers and design stu­dios around the world.