Massage the scalp twice each day with Listerine Mouthwash
and dandruff symptoms could be gone within a month!

sThe Lam­bert Com­pa­ny, man­u­fac­tur­ers of Lis­ter­ine mouth­wash, claimed in Good House­keep­ing,  August 1954, that dan­druff is an infection.

The full page adver­tise­ment claimed that dan­druff is due to the stub­born “Bacil­lus Bot­tle, the very germ that so many der­ma­tol­o­gists say is a causative agent of the trouble.”

Twice a day mas­sage “gives hair and scalp a thor­ough anti­sep­tic bath…treats the infec­tion as an infec­tion should be treated…with real-germ-killing action.”


There is no rea­son to believe that Lis­ter­ine ever com­pet­ed with  pop­u­lar sham­poo prod­ucts

Listerine Mouthwash advertisement proimotion use for the product for dandruff

Der­ma­tol­o­gists says that dan­druff isn’t con­ta­gious, nor is it seri­ous but they agree that it can be embar­rass­ing and dif­fi­cult to treat. The Mayo Clin­ic rec­om­mends treat­ing dan­druff with a gen­tly dai­ly sham­poo and, if that doesn’t work, a med­icat­ed sham­poo may help. The Clin­ic says noth­ing about mas­sag­ing with mouthwash.