Massage the scalp twice each day with Listerine Mouthwash
and dandruff symptoms could be gone within a month!
sThe Lambert Company, manufacturers of Listerine mouthwash, claimed in Good Housekeeping, August 1954, that dandruff is an infection.
The full page advertisement claimed that dandruff is due to the stubborn “Bacillus Bottle, the very germ that so many dermatologists say is a causative agent of the trouble.”
Twice a day massage “gives hair and scalp a thorough antiseptic bath…treats the infection as an infection should be treated…with real-germ-killing action.”
There is no reason to believe that Listerine ever competed with popular shampoo products
Dermatologists says that dandruff isn’t contagious, nor is it serious but they agree that it can be embarrassing and difficult to treat. The Mayo Clinic recommends treating dandruff with a gently daily shampoo and, if that doesn’t work, a medicated shampoo may help. The Clinic says nothing about massaging with mouthwash.