The 1925 Chevrolet was truly “new”
in every sense of the word but this advertisement
just said that “It’s so Easy to Drive”

1925 Chevrolet advertisement

Not a word about newness or improvements
yet major parts of the car had been redesigned

Here are changes presented—at the time—as “new” in a Chevro­let pub­li­ca­tion titled A Mechan­i­cal Demon­stra­tion of the NEW FEATURES:

“New rust­less air­plane radi­a­tor shell—new improve­ments in the famous Chevro­let motor—new chas­sis with all mov­ing parts enclosed—new dry sin­gle plate disc clutch, com­plete­ly enclosed with flywheel—new stronger front axle—new ban­jo-type rear axle con­struc­tion, such as is found on the high­est priced cars—new longer and stronger frame with five stur­dy steel cross member—new semi-ellip­tic springs, made of the finest chrome vana­di­um steel, with reas springs underslung—new fore-and-aft steer­ing mechanism—new bod­ies with lat­est Fish­er improve­ments on closed cars—new durable Duco fin­ish in beau­ti­ful colors.”

The pub­li­ca­tion sets out every new fea­ture with detailed descrip­tions, spec­i­fi­ca­tions and hand-drawn illus­tra­tions but the adver­tise­ment only says that the 1925 Chevro­let is so easy to dri­ve because it was “improved” and “mod­ern”.

It was a sig­nif­i­cant improve­ment over the pri­or year.

Con­cept Cars, an auto­mo­tive web­site for enthu­si­ast seek­ing vehi­cle infor­ma­tion notes: “It still rode on a 103-inch wheel­base but was now pow­ered by an improved pow­er­plant. The 171 cubic-inch four-cylin­der engine pro­duced 26 horse­pow­er and was mat­ed to a man­u­al gear­box. The gear­box had also been updat­ed with a new sin­gle dry plate clutch replac­ing the old cone clutch style. The ride and han­dling was vast­ly improved by the removal of quar­ter-ellip­tic rear springs with semi-ellip­tic springs. The brakes mea­sured 11-inch­es in diam­e­ter and oper­at­ed on the rear wheels.”

Everybody says – “It’s so easy to drive” the 1925 Chevrolet…

not that the 1925 mod­el was new. Was it more impor­tant to say that the car could be con­trolled with remark­able ease, and that the steer­ing mech­a­nism “makes it easy and safe…to hold the car on the road…for hours at a time in per­fect com­fort”; that “the ellip­ti­cal springs…will delight you?”

The Chevro­let Motor Car Com­pa­ny was incor­po­rat­ed by Louis Chevro­let, a race car dri­ver,  and William “Bil­ly” Durant, founder of Gen­er­al Motors on Novem­ber 3, 1911. At the time Durant wasn’t with GM; he had been oust­ed in 1910 because of a finan­cial cri­sis for which he was prob­a­bly accountable.

One year after the Chevro­let Motor Car Com­pa­ny was estab­lished, the first car to bear the name—a thor­ough­ly con­tem­po­rary, pow­er­ful and lux­u­ri­ous car—rolled out of a pilot fac­to­ry in Detroit.

A 1912 Chevrolet Classic Six, with Louis Chevrolet in the white coat. PHOTO: GENERAL MOTORS

A 1912 Chevro­let Clas­sic Six, with Louis Chevro­let in the white coat. PHOTO: GENERAL MOTORS

In 1913 Chevro­let intro­duced the Type C Six priced at $2,100. That was the kind of car that Louis Chevro­let want­ed. Durant, how­ev­er, envi­sioned the Chevro­let motor car as an inex­pen­sive car that would offer sig­nif­i­cant­ly more val­ue than the vol­ume leader of the peri­od, Ford’s Mod­el T,  prized for its low cost, dura­bil­i­ty, ver­sa­til­i­ty, and ease of maintenance.

The Mod­el T was prac­ti­cal and afford­able trans­porta­tion that sold for only $850 in 1908 and that was drop­ping in price because of Hen­ry Ford’s suc­cess with assem­bly line pro­duc­tion. By 1925 the  Mod­el T sold for less than $300.

You could buy the 1925 Chevro­let for as lit­tle as $510 f.o.b Flint, Michi­gan: the Lan­dau cost $765. In today’s dol­lars the adver­tised price of $645 for the Coach would be $9,426.40 cal­cu­lat­ed on a cumu­la­tive rate of infla­tion of 1361.5 per cent.

A skilled artist’s illus­tra­tion in the adver­tise­ment head­ing this post, is that of the mid-priced $645 Coach model.

To por­tray the key sell­ing point that the car was easy to dri­ve, the artist drew the auto­mo­bile trav­el­ling on some­thing less than a super­high­way. It seems to be a very rugged road. The Chevro­let, the read­er learns, is remark­ably easy to con­trol “over rough roads, or smooth, over ruts or slip­pery pavement.”

The aver­age earn­ings in 1925 were 72.3 cents an hour and work­ers aver­aged 50 hours per week. So the Chevro­let in 1925 cost less than half a year’s earnings.