The Nash Sedan—acclaimed in 1938
as a car that everybody likes

Get a Nash and get out of town! Go to a place where sign-posts stop and bass fight for a bare hook. A hideaway where dull care can never trail you. That wonder-spot won’t wait forever. Just park your car beneath a star—your double bed is waiting in your Nash! 

Hon­est­ly, the copy­writer said so, in this adver­tise­ment for the 1939 Nash auto­mo­bile. And he said so much more—and so poet­i­cal­ly. Read it all below this adver­tise­ment in The Amer­i­can Home, June, 1939

1939 Nash Sedan advertisement

A million miles from nowhere

Some­where over the blue horizon—beyond the place where the sign-posts stop—there’s a hide­away where dull care can nev­er trail you. A place where bass fight for a bare hook. And the soft air is heavy with pine.

Shut your eyes and you’ll see it.

Or—get in a Nash and head it for the hills…it knows the rest of the way. Then you’ll see a kind of trav­el that comes straight from the sto­ry of the Fly­ing Carpet.

For the first time in your life, you’re going to set a lit­tle dial called “Weath­er Eye”—and dri­ve all day with­out dust in your face or a draft on your neck.

Car­ried along on the mag­ic wings of a Fourth Speed For­ward, you’ll see dis­tances dwin­dle at a ter­rif­ic pace, but nev­er know the engine is run­ning. You’ll nev­er dread a hill, or stop for a bump.

Noth­ing will stay you—not even those cus­tom­ary stops for gas. One fill­ing usu­al­ly takes you all the way to sun­set in a Nash.

And for the first time…you’re going to end up the day fresh as ear­ly morn­ing with not even the prob­lem of where to lay your head. Just park your car beneath a star—your dou­ble bed is wait­ing in your Nash!

Yes — it’s a kind of motor­ing even a mil­lion­aire could ever enjoy before. It can make any “out-of-the-way place an every­day part of your life.

And this proud car can be yours so easily…ten bril­liant new mod­els are now priced right next to the lowest.

That won­der-spot won’t wait for­ev­er. Get in a Nash and get out of town!

Two features of the Nash Sedan are highlighted in this advertisement — the “Bed-In-A-Car” that Nash introduced in 1936 and the “Weather Eye” introduced in 1939.

The Nash Sedan’s rear seat could be con­vert­ed into a sleep­ing com­part­ment. The rear seat back hinged up, allow­ing the rear seat cush­ion to be propped up into a lev­el posi­tion. This also cre­at­ed an open­ing between the pas­sen­ger com­part­ment and the trunk. Two adults could sleep in the car, with their legs and feet in the trunk, and their heads and shoul­ders on the rear seat cushions!

The copy­writer described the Nash Sedan as “A home on the road, with a con­vert­ible Bed…with spe­cial sound­proof­ing and shock absorbers to give your liv­ing room qui­et and relaxation.”

The “Weath­er Eye” was a con­di­tioned air heating/ventilating system—the first hot-water car heater to draw fresh air from out­side the car— intro­duced in 1938 mod­els. It was upgrad­ed the  next year with the addi­tion of a ther­mo­stat and a dial on the dashboard.

The copy­writer exclaimed: “No dust to soil or spoil your trip! Nash’s auto­mat­ic “Weath­er Eye” gives you fresh air, free of dust…rain….insects…chilling drafts!

The Weath­er Eye is the basis of all mod­ern car heaters in use today.

Nev­er heard of the Nash?

Nash Motors was found­ed in 1916 by Charles W. Nash  the for­mer pres­i­dent of Gen­er­al Motors.  He became the for­mer pres­i­dent when William Durant—who found­ed Gen­er­al Motors in 1908 and was forced out of it in 1910—regained con­trol of GM. You can read about William Durant in this post.

Nash acquired the Thomas B. Jef­fery Com­pa­ny, lured the chief engi­neer of GM’s Oak­land Divi­sion, Finnish-born Nils Eric Wahlberg, to move to Nash’s new com­pa­ny and the first Nash Auto­mo­bile was pro­duced in 1917.  Jef­fer­y’s best-known auto­mo­bile was the Ram­bler, first pro­duced in 1902 at a plant in Kenosha, Wisconsin.