1941 Nash automobile

Sweep your eyes over the magnificent length of the 1941 Nash.
Feast your eyes on it sleek styling.

Words of love by the copywriter
for 1941 Nash automobiles


Nash pro­mot­ed their entry into low-price car field with the cre­ativ­i­ty of a roman­tic copy­writer who invit­ed read­ers of this Life mag­a­zine adver­tise­ment to sweep and feast their eyes over the mag­nif­i­cent length of these 1941 Nash mod­els fea­tur­ing engines that purr and coil springs that made road bumps mirac­u­lous­ly disappear. 

This dou­ble-page spread appeals to the imag­i­na­tion.  Nash promised the “sump­tu­ous room and ride of a $1,200 auto­mo­bile”, the “sheer delight to take a new Nash over the worst road you know”, and to save as much as $100 a year in gas, oil and tour­ing costs. 

All of this and rear seat space that quick­ly con­vert­ed into a big dou­ble bed!

The copywriter’s poetic description of the 1941 Nash
is reproduced below this illustration of the advertisement

The subhead
below the headline
summarizes the features of the 1941 Nash

  • 25 to 30 Miles per Gal­lon of Gasoline!
  • Flash­ing Pick­up of New “Fly­ing Scot” Engine!
  • Roomi­er than 1940 Cars Cost­ing up to $200 More
  • A Coil Sprint Ride on All four Wheels!
  • New “uni­tized” Steel Body—Safer, Quieter
  • Improved Weath­er Eye Con­di­tioned Air System…and Con­vert­ible Bed
  • Over­all Econ­o­my Saves You $70 to $100 a Year!
Imagine —if You Can 

This big 1941 Nash Sedan sell­ing for the same
dol­lars you’D pay for an ordi­nary low-price car!

Designed and built —not for just 15 to 20 miles a gal­lon econ­o­my, but for a real 25 to 30!

Designed and built—not for min­i­mum size and com­fort —but to give you the sump­tu­ous room and ride of a $1,200 automobile.

Designed and built—not sim­ply to “match” the per­for­mance of its competitors—but for the thrill of your whole car-own­ing experience!

Here it is—Nash’s rev­o­lu­tion­ary low­est-priced car, three years in the making—designed and built as a unit—no “cut down” parts, no out-mod­ed engineering.

Sweep your eyes over the mag­nif­i­cent length of it—the front seat that’s near­ly five feet wide. Feast your eyes on it sleek styling…smartly two-toned, inside and out.

For the first time under $1,000—a “uni­tized” car. Body and frame are for­ev­er weld­ed into one sol­id, safe, rat­tle-proof, twist-proof unit.

Beneath its hood purrs a new kind of car engine—the Man­i­fold-sealed “Fly­ing Scot”. Its ter­rif­ic get-up-and-go…the smooth­ness of its radio-bal­anced crankshaft…are almost as phe­nom­e­nal as its economy.

Nev­er, in all your life, have you felt a car ride—or handle—like this!

 Here is the first car at its price with coil springs on all four wheels. The first car at any price with cost­ly Two-way Ball-bear­ing Steering.

It is sheer delight to take a new Nash over the worst road you know…and feel how the bumps mirac­u­lous­ly disappear…how staunch­ly you ride the sharpest curves.

In every fea­ture you see evi­dence of mil­lions of dol­lars of new Nash engi­neer­ing. A new Weath­er-Eye Sys­tem!  A Fourth Speed For­ward that rais­es Nash econ­o­my as high as 32 miles a gal­lon, in engi­neer­ing tests. The new 60-sec­ond Con­vert­ible Bed.

In every detail—the qual­i­ty, the pre­ci­sion work­man­ship that mean Nash “long life”

Truth­ful­ly, it can­not be com­pared with the lead­ing low-price cars you know—except in the mat­ter of price.

Yet with all these rev­o­lu­tion­ary fea­tures, all this fine car fea­tures, all this fine car size and com­fort, your savings—in gas, oil, and tour­ing costs—may eas­i­ly mean $100 a year to you!

Why con­sid­er any less mod­ern auto­mo­bile this year? Right now—for the sheer fun of it —go to your Nash dealer’s—get behind the wheel!


printers devil

Wikipedia has a lengthy entry about Nash Motors, includ­ing an exten­sive Gallery of Nash mod­els dat­ing back to 1917

Print­ing Times includes a sec­ond adver­tise­ment for Nash Sedans. Again the copy­writ­ing is noteworthy.