From 1841 to 1992 the “London Charivari”
as Punch was also called, was easily identified. 
The front cover wasn’t changed for decades

Here are three covers:
November 17, 1909;
November 22, 1911;
January 16, 1918

Only the strip-adver­tis­ing changed at the top and the bot­tom of each front page! Punch didn’t need ban­ner head­lines to attract readers.

And inside? Car­toons and humor­ous lit­er­ary writ­ing. Lots of adver­tis­ing reflects the prod­ucts and ser­vices that con­sumers want­ed in those years.

The term “car­toon” to refer to com­ic draw­ings was first used in Punch in 1843, when the Hous­es of Par­lia­ment were to be dec­o­rat­ed with murals, and “car­toons” for the murals were dis­played for the pub­lic; the term “car­toon” then meant a fin­ished pre­lim­i­nary sketch on a large piece of card­board, or car­tone in Ital­ian. Punch humor­ous­ly appro­pri­at­ed the term to refer to its polit­i­cal car­toons, and the pop­u­lar­i­ty of the car­toons led to the ter­m’s wide­spread use.

This is the cover of Punch magazine, November 22, 1911
The cover of Punch magazine, January 16, 1918

Here are some cartoons from the issues
of Punch featured in this post

Read­ers of Print­ing Times want­i­ng to learn more about Punch car­toons and their high­ly-tal­ent­ed artists will find fas­ci­nat­ing facts in “Great Draw­ings and Illus­tra­tions from Punch 1841–1901 con­tain­ing 192 car­toons drawn by tal­ent­ed artists of the 19th century”.

The edi­tors, Stan­ley Appel­baum & Richard Kel­ly, explain in their intro­duc­tion to their book that the “car­toons were care­ful­ly stud­ied at home and abroad by those con­cerned with the way the polit­i­cal wind was blow­ing. To decide on the sub­ject and han­dling of the next “car­toon” was one of the essen­tial pur­pos­es of the week­ly din­ners at Punch’s very exclu­sive Table, a gath­er­ing of edi­tors, rep­re­sen­ta­tives of the pub­lish­ers, lit­er­ary and artis­tic con­trib­u­tors and var­i­ous spe­cial­ized advisors.”

printers devil
Many of peri­od­i­cals and news­pa­pers of the 20th cen­tu­ry are gone com­plete­ly while some are attempt­ing to sur­vive on the inter­net. Pub­lish­ing com­pa­ny depart­ments, once home to writ­ers, artists, pho­tog­ra­phers and print-ori­ent­ed employ­ees, are now pop­u­lat­ed by web design­ers and social media gurus.